1. Guess where I come from?? (Click the country names)

2. If you click the right button, you can follow the instruction go next. If you click the wrong answer, it will show up a hint and go back to the start page then guess again.

3. If you choose the right answer, next step, click the aircraft. I will show you my way home and invent you go with me.

4. Choose a way to the airport, click the first way "via ON-401E"

5. Click the schedule which leads you to the next step to find our destination.

6. Try to click the cities' name until you find the right answer.

7. Try to click the airplanes on the background, only one airplane is our route. (right one)

8. Click on our destination "Beijing".

9. Welcome, come to our destination!


My inspiration comes from the fact that I saw the plane ticket when I returned to China. Plus, I really like to use Google Map, but in China, at least Google Map is not easy to use now. Sad.

On this page, I want to use keyword guidance to guide visitors to intuitively feel the way I go home from London all the way to Beijing. I created a lot of Hotglue pages, and each page has a specific button that takes you to the next step. (But it's all under the same entry)When I selected the first page, I created 4 different options. But there are three "wrong answers" that cannot be carried out and need to go back to the beginning. (You can enjoy the national scenery) and the correct option is to continue. I gave visitors a more intuitive feel through the screenshots of the Google Map satellite map. And on each country's page, there are google positioning and introduction, and some national landscape photos.

This "performance" is what we usually use and come into contact with. But when you decide to go to a very distant place, you don't have a particularly intuitive experience with maps and distances. (Just know that it takes a long time to fly to China by plane). This is the vertical meaning of my work. And horizontally, this is also a game, guess where I am coming from. The answer that can be clicked here is not single.
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